Accommodation & Care

We are keen to make your cat feel as welcome as possible during their stay and can discuss any particular requirements your pet may have.

We supply baskets and professional vet bedding. But owners are welcome to bring bedding to provide additional comfort to your pet.  Each cat has their accommodation cleaned daily and fresh water and litter trays are supplied and refreshed continuously throughout their stays.

We love our cats and endeavour to give all our cats as much one to one attention as possible including extra fussing and brushing when required.

Feeding Time

Individual likes and dislikes are catered for and only food of a high quality is provided. All food is prepared in hygienic conditions. Veterinary prescription diets must be provided by the owners. If we do not stock your chosen food you’r welcome to bring your own.


All pets must be fully vaccinated and owners must produce an up-to-date vaccination certificate. All cats must have been inoculated against Feline Panleucopaenia, Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, and Feline Calicivirus. The course of vaccinations must have been completed at least 2 weeks before date of arrival. Full details under conditions of acceptance on booking form.

Medication whilst your pet is with us can be administered at no extra cost. All previous illnesses must be reported. Should your cat become ill whilst in our care they will receive immediate veterinary attention.  If you have your own insurance, it must be produced on arrival.